THE TASK(2011)
This B movie from After Dark originals concerns the crew and contestants of a reality show that is being shot in a haunted prison , the contestants are each given frightning tasks they must complete on their own in various parts of the prison in order to get prize money.
Based on the short story by Stephen King from his Night Shift collection , this flick left a lot to be desired. Freddy Kruger is the owner of a laundry mat /Dry cleaner in Maine. At this fine Establishment he owns a folding machine he calls the mangler that has a taste for human blood, it becomes possessed, and starts eating people left and right. Buffalo Bill from "SILENCE OF THE LAMBS" is the detective that is investigating the grisly murders. He has a buddy that's into astrology, mythology, and the supernatural. Together they try to figure out what's going on, and decide they need to stop it at all costs . Not extremely good or bad , just kind of bland not much flavor here. Tobe Hooper directed this one, and like much of his output after his 1974 masterpiece "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" its very mediocre , definitely a long way away from Leatherface. Followed by 2 sequels.
Many years ago an entire town disappeared from an Island on the Mississippi River where Elly Thompson grew up. At age 5 she was with her father on the river when he disappeared. She has never come to terms with what happened to him or really understood it exactly either. She has returned to the area she grew up in years later to shoot a documentary film. Along with her film crew, she attempts to find some answers to what happened to the town and her father. There are many things wrong with this low budget Horror/Thriller . First off the running time is torturously long , almost 2 full hours , the director needs to learn about editing. Second the whole look of the film is hard on the eyes , the print looks like ts been bleached out with weird little flashes of color appearing occasionally throughout the movie. Last but not least , the sound on this film is deplorable , the actors seem to be whispering their lines and the background noises are jarringly loud . I found myself constantly adjusting the volume but still only heard half of the dialogue , I ended up starting the movie over and using the captions just to understand what the actors were saying , but even after doing that I had a hard time following this film. This is the kind of crap that happens when some arty farty film school kid gets ahold of a little money and decides to make a genre flick, I can just picture this guy, after screening his final cut thinking that his crappy lighting , bad sound , incoherent story having pile of crud is some kind of high art masterpiece, its not buddy , this is pretentious junk . Hated it. It wasn't worth the money i shelled out for it even though it was in a 6 movie set for 5 bucks. Yuk.
A tow truck driver in a small Louisiana town is killed when attempting to save another motorist after a car accident , but it seems that the driver he is trying to save is a practioner of voodoo and before his death he is striken with anciient voodo curse and comes back to life as a vicious supernatural killer.

If this sounds familiar to you its because that is the basic premise of the old MTV reality show FEAR , and much like FEAR the producers have rigged the prison with sound and visuals to frighten the contestants.
The problem is that the real ghosts are also walking the halls and are attemptng to knock of the prize seekers.
This is not a bad flick but its a little overlong and would benifit from better pacing , other than that this is a somewhat enjoyable movie and fits in the same catagory as most of the other AFTER DARK films , good but nothing spectacular, worth a watch for the horror junkies like myself who need to see everything.The problem is that the real ghosts are also walking the halls and are attemptng to knock of the prize seekers.


A tow truck driver in a small Louisiana town is killed when attempting to save another motorist after a car accident , but it seems that the driver he is trying to save is a practioner of voodoo and before his death he is striken with anciient voodo curse and comes back to life as a vicious supernatural killer.
This movie has a very eighties feel to it , it fits right in with teen horror flicks of the day like THE HORROR SHOW , SHOCKER , BAD DREAMS etc.... And like those films while somewhat enjoyable nothiing really jumps out and grabs you by the booboo like a good horror film should. the one thing that irritated the crap out of me was that the killer is pretty damn near invinsible through out the movie and his demise is extremely weak , almost like someone said "O.K , we need to wrap up the production kill him off now" and just ended it with out much thought. Some decent make up and a couple of good kills make this a decent watch despite the negatives.
Another movie in the found footage format, this flick focuses on a group of paranormal researchers documenting an episode for their television show, much in the same vein as Ghost Hunters. The group lock themselves inside an abandoned, and purported to be haunted, insane asylum. They show some of the tricks of the trade used in television such as hokey "psychic mediums", and fake scares. However the scares turn real as the group starts to get terrorized, and find that they can't get out of the hospital. Days go by, and they realize that the hospital is definitely haunted, and possibly alive/possessed. The last part of the footage was used as the last episode of their tv series. Not a bad movie , some of the effects were pretty cool, and the hospital itself was pretty damn creepy. I get tired of apparitions that run at the camera and distort their faces though, That has gotten old, and it's just not scary and reminds me to much of the japenese films that are totally played out . Apparently there's a sequel in the works. Hopefully it can improve on some of the stuff they were lacking here, close but not there yet folks.
This direct to video sequel isn't as bad as it COULD be. Although it doesn't really have anything at all to do with the original story or movie, it DOES have Lance Henriksen in it!!!! He's the head master of a boarding ...
The Mangler is back! The nasty, demonic machine from the first movie is bought up by a repairman, who gets possessed and starts feeding bodies to the machine once more. This was straight to video, and boy does it show! The gore is pretty good though. However, the acting is pretty foul. I wonder if Stephie ever watches the crappy sequels to the adaptations of his books? I'm sure he could care less, but still it would be interesting to get his take on them. Not much to say here because this is not much of a film. I don't recommend this one at all.
Another movie in the found footage format, this flick focuses on a group of paranormal researchers documenting an episode for their television show, much in the same vein as Ghost Hunters. The group lock themselves inside an abandoned, and purported to be haunted, insane asylum. They show some of the tricks of the trade used in television such as hokey "psychic mediums", and fake scares. However the scares turn real as the group starts to get terrorized, and find that they can't get out of the hospital. Days go by, and they realize that the hospital is definitely haunted, and possibly alive/possessed. The last part of the footage was used as the last episode of their tv series. Not a bad movie , some of the effects were pretty cool, and the hospital itself was pretty damn creepy. I get tired of apparitions that run at the camera and distort their faces though, That has gotten old, and it's just not scary and reminds me to much of the japenese films that are totally played out . Apparently there's a sequel in the works. Hopefully it can improve on some of the stuff they were lacking here, close but not there yet folks.
This direct to video sequel isn't as bad as it COULD be. Although it doesn't really have anything at all to do with the original story or movie, it DOES have Lance Henriksen in it!!!! He's the head master of a boarding ...
school/private college, and ends up being the bad guy at the end! Dude is so freakin' awesome, it almost makes up for the movie in general. Essentially this girl downloads a computer virus named Mangler 2.0 to the school's computer system. She's the daughter of a wealthy industrialist/computer programming company owner. Daddy has decided her school will be beta testing a new computer system that controls everything on school grounds, EVERYTHING. Electric fences, doors, security cameras, even freezers. The virus makes everything go haywire, and it's up to the 5 kids left on campus after a field trip, along with the chef, and Lance to figure out what's going on and save the day. Things go from bad to worse when the "virus" starts to control wires throughout the school, wrapping around simple garden tools like shears in order to kill people with in a "cool" way. In the end, the wires fuse with Lance in the basement/control room for the main frame. This means the virus and Lance have somehow joined forces, giving the virus sentient life. Lance gets creepier than usual, things blow up, and some people make it out alive... although the virus isn't destroyed!!! OH NO!!!
The Mangler is back! The nasty, demonic machine from the first movie is bought up by a repairman, who gets possessed and starts feeding bodies to the machine once more. This was straight to video, and boy does it show! The gore is pretty good though. However, the acting is pretty foul. I wonder if Stephie ever watches the crappy sequels to the adaptations of his books? I'm sure he could care less, but still it would be interesting to get his take on them. Not much to say here because this is not much of a film. I don't recommend this one at all.