Monday, March 29, 2010

confessions of a horror junkie

Why boy, why do you like this kind of junk? This was something i heard from teachers and other people in positions of authority when i was growing up , no one seemed to understand my love of horror.

My parents were actually pretty cool about things, after all they did try to take me to the theater/drive in to see alot of the new horror films, though i do believe they got a little concerned as i got older as my whole life seemed to revolve around horror, heavy metal and hardcore punk music.

As a kid they always allowed me to stay up and watch the local version of shock theater and give me $ to buy Famous monsters and fangoria magazines.

I had a weekly ritual of looking through the tv guide to see what movies were coming on and then planning my week around them.

My family got our first vcr when i was around 15(early 80"s) and there were mom and pop rental stores EVERYWHERE , i mean it seemed like there was one every block or two, you could even rent at alot of the grocery and drug stores and i had memberships at them all and the horror/ sci-fi sections were huge, i was in heaven.

Most weekends insted of going out drinking and acting stupid(that didnt happen 'till I got older) i would rent a movie and watch it.

I dont know how many of you realize this but back then movies were priced for rental stores only( about 70 bucks a pop) but like everything else when the buzz wore off they were priced to sale and you could buy them at most department stores and thats when my library of vids started.

Now with the advent of dvds and the internet every big budget , b grade and z grade flick you could ever want( and never heard of) is there for your consumption.

I love all kinds of horror movies from the classics of the 30's up to the modern films but my favorites are the drive in movies from the 60' and 70's and the movies of the 80's slasher boom and thats what most of this blog will focus on, i mean as much as i love the old universal and hammer films they have all been reviewd a million times in a million books and web sites.

Speaking of horror review books it pisses me off that in a number of these publications the author seems to hate every thing that is not made for millions of dollars, heck half the time i wonder if they even watched the movie or if they just read the back of the video box.

I however am a horror fan most of the time i can find some value in just about any of them, i would rather watch the cheapest b film than sit through the latest big budget hollywood drivel anyday.

I am a horror fan through and through, i watch the movies,i read about them, study them and collect everything i can about them.
Im sure there are other like minded folks out there so i dedicate all of this to you ... the horror junkie. Enjoy!!!
mikey boy

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